Paroisse St-Jean-Baptiste (L'Orignal)
Leaflets (French Only)
About Us
Founded in 1836, Saint-Jean-Baptiste is the oldest French-speaking parish in the archdiocese, and the oldest parish after the cathedral. We will celebrate the 175th anniversary of its founding in 2011. Located along the Ottawa River, the Saint-Jean-Baptiste Church, with its two high steeples, dominates the surrounding landscape. A chapel made of small stones fixed in mortar was built in 1833 and demolished fifteen years later. The church built then is still in place, but it has been enlarged and embellished over the years. Saint-Jean-Baptiste had a resident priest as early as 1836. At that time, the parish was part of the Diocese of Kingston and it had 85 households, all French-speaking. At the turn of the century there were 220 and at the time of the church's consecration in 1931, 330.
The Sacraments
Baptism is the first sacrament. It represents several realities such as the forgiveness of sins, new life, close union with God (Father), Son and Holy Spirit, participation in the death and resurrection of Jesus. Through baptism, a person becomes a Christian and a member of the Church. There is no particular age to be baptized. If you then wish to have your child baptized, you can contact the secretariat.
God heals us in the sacrament of penance. Forgiveness makes us celebrate a gesture of love on the part of God.
Christian First Communion is an important sacrament in the life of a Christian, as believers first receive the body and blood of Christ in the form of consecrated bread and wine. It is a time of spiritual celebration and coming of age in faith, symbolizing the close union between the believer and God through Christ.
Confirmation is in a way the completion of Baptism.
The sacrament of confirmation is given by the bishop, or by a priest delegated by the bishop.
The Church recognizes marriage as a sacrament. In the Church, the decision of a woman and a man to marry is expressed by a celebration in which the spouses exchange their consent to an indissoluble love.
If you want to organize a wedding, we ask you to book at least 12 months in advance. Note that the marriage preparation session will take place at the Paroisse Saint-Pierre-Apôtre (Hawkesbury).
Funerals in the Christian Church are a time of reverence, prayer and commemoration of the life of the deceased. The ceremony typically includes prayers, Bible readings, and hymns that testify to Christian hope for eternal life through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.